Sea Ice Comparisons to Observations

This script shows how to load and plot sea ice concentration from CICE output and compare it to the NSIDC CDR (National Snow and Ice Data Centre, Climate Data Record) dataset

This notebook uses the ACCESS-NRI Intake Catalog following the examples in Tutorials/Using the Intake Catalog.

Requirements: The runs analysed here are only in access-nri-intake-catalog version 0.1.0 or newer. This is included in conda/analysis3-23.10 or newer modules from /g/data/hh5/public/modules.

OM2 Experiments:

These are the ACCESS-OM2 runs we are going to use, we can compare results from prototype runs forced with ERA5 against normal runs using JRA55do, as described on the ACCESS_HIVE. To compare against the observational datasets, we use IAF (Inter-Annual Forcing). N.B. The JRA55do runs used here a slightly different to the typical (e.g. 025deg_jra55_iaf_omip2_cycle6) in the model version used and the timeframes evaluated.

RUNS = {
    "025deg_era5": ["025deg_era5_iaf"],  # (our name: run name(s))
    "025deg_jra55": ["025deg_jra55_iaf_era5comparison"],
    "1deg_era5": ["1deg_era5_iaf"],
    "1deg_jra55": ["1deg_jra55_iaf_era5comparison"],

We are going to look at Sea Ice Concentration and Sea Ice Volume

VARS = ["aice_m", "hi_m" ]  # ice area fraction or sea ice concentration, ice thickness averaged by grid cell area
VARS_2D = ["area_t", "geolat_t", "geolon_t"]

Observational Data:

Sea Ice concentration is measured through passive microwave remote sensing. We are going to use the NSIDC CDR Dataset (described at

OBS_TIME_SLICE = slice("1979", "2022")
sh_obs_url = ""
nh_obs_url = ""

Load depenencies:

from intake import cat
from datatree import DataTree, map_over_subtree

from dask.distributed import Client

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta
import cf_xarray as cfxr
import xesmf

# plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import as cmo
import matplotlib.lines as mlines

A standard way to calculate climatologies. (We start in 1991 as earlier decades are influenced by model spin-up for 0.25deg runs which only start in 1980.)

CLIMAT_TIME_SLICE = slice("1991", "2020")

def climatology(ds):
    return ds.sel(time=CLIMAT_TIME_SLICE).groupby("time.month").mean("time")

Start a dask client

client = Client(threads_per_worker=1)



Connection method: Cluster object Cluster type: distributed.LocalCluster
Dashboard: /proxy/8787/status

Cluster Info

Open the ACCESS-NRI Intake Catalog

catalog = cat.access_nri

Load the ACCESS-OM2 results

For CICE data in OM2, we need to do some wrangling to make it easier to deal with. This is described in more detail in DocumentedExamples/SeaIce_Plot_Example. Its included in this function:

def open_by_name(name, vars):
    """Return a dataset for the requested name and vars"""
    return (
                "chunks": {"time": "auto", "ni": -1, "nj": -1},
                "decode_coords": False,
                "compat": "override",
                "data_vars": "minimal",
                "coords": "minimal",
def open_by_experiment(exp_name, vars):
    """Concatenate any datasets provided for this experiment into one ds, and add area and geo coordinates"""

    # get the data for each run of this config
    cice_ds = xr.concat(
        [open_by_name(iName, vars) for iName in RUNS[exp_name]], dim="time"

    # We also want the area/lat/lon fields, but these are not time dependent.
    area_ds = xr.merge(
                # path of the first file with the area field, the geolon field and the geolat field
            for iVar in VARS_2D

    # Label the lats and lons
    cice_ds.coords["ni"] = area_ds["xt_ocean"].values
    cice_ds.coords["nj"] = area_ds["yt_ocean"].values

    # Copy attributes for cf compliance = area_ds.xt_ocean.attrs
    cice_ds.nj.attrs = area_ds.yt_ocean.attrs

    cice_ds = cice_ds.rename(({"ni": "xt_ocean", "nj": "yt_ocean"}))

    # Add the geolon, geolat, and area as extra co-ordinates fields from area_t

    cice_ds = cice_ds.assign_coords(
            "geolat_t": area_ds.geolat_t,
            "geolon_t": area_ds.geolon_t,
            "area_t": area_ds.area_t,

    # cice timestamps are also misleading:
    cice_ds["time"] = cice_ds.time.to_pandas() - timedelta(minutes=1)

    return cice_ds

Because the dimensions are different for different experiments, they would not fit in a Dataset, a DataTree is required. The DataTree has a group for each experiment, which contains a xarray dataset with the data for that experiment.


si_name_ds_pairs = [(iRun, open_by_experiment(iRun, VARS)) for iRun in RUNS.keys()]

si_dt = DataTree.from_dict(dict(si_name_ds_pairs))
CPU times: user 35.8 s, sys: 3.29 s, total: 39 s
Wall time: 1min 27s
def match_timestamps_to_CDR(ds):
    cice_ds = ds.copy()

    # we are going to use the same timestamps as NSIDC
    cice_ds["time"] = [
        np.datetime64(str(i)[0:7] + "-01T00:00:00.000000000")
        for i in cice_ds.time.values

    return cice_ds
si_dt = match_timestamps_to_CDR(si_dt)

The result is a datatree, with a dataset for each experiment and timestamps which align with the observational timestamps

Dimensions:  ()
Data variables:

Load the observational dataset

The CDR dataset has the area of each grid cell provided as a seperate file, which we need to load

def open_cdr_dataset(path, area_file):
    ds = xr.open_dataset(path).rename(
        {'cdr_seaice_conc_monthly': 'cdr_conc', 'xgrid':'x','ygrid':'y'}

    # # we also need the area of each gridcell
    areasNd = np.fromfile(area_file, dtype=np.int32).reshape(
    # # Divide by 1000 to get km2 (
    areasKmNd_sh = areasNd / 1000

    ds["area"] = xr.DataArray(areasKmNd_sh, dims=["y", "x"])
    ds = ds.set_coords("area")

    ds = ds.cdr_conc
    ds = ds.where(ds<=1)  # convert error codes to Nan

    return ds

We can pull the datasets direct from the url, however the cell area needs to be downloaded seperately:

!wget --ftp-user=anonymous -nc
File ‘pss25area_v3.dat’ already there; not retrieving.
File ‘psn25area_v3.dat’ already there; not retrieving.

We are interested in the Antarctic, but the lines for the Arctic are below and commented out.

sh_cdr_xr = open_cdr_dataset(sh_obs_url, "pss25area_v3.dat")

# nh_cdr_xr = open_cdr_dataset(
#     nh_obs_url,
#     'psn25area_v3.dat'
# )

cdr_dt = DataTree.from_dict(
        "cdr_sh": sh_cdr_xr,
        # 'cdr_nh':nh_cdr_xr

The result is a datatree, with a datasets for the relevant hemisphere

Calculate Sea Ice Area

Sea ice area is the circumpolar sum of sea ice concentration multiplied by the area of each grid cell. By convention, and because lower concentrations are not accurate when measured through remote sensing, concentrations below 0.15 are not included

def sea_ice_area(sic, area, range=[0.15, 1]):
    return (sic * area).where((sic >= range[0]) * (sic <= range[1])).cf.sum(["X", "Y"])

Calculate for observational data, and remove gaps with missing data

def sea_ice_area_obs(ds):
    sic = ds.cdr_conc
    result = sea_ice_area(sic, sic.area).to_dataset(name="cdr_area")

    # Theres a couple of data gaps which should be nan
    result.loc[{"time": "1988-01-01"}] = np.nan
    result.loc[{"time": "1987-12"}] = np.nan

    return result.sel(time=OBS_TIME_SLICE)
obs_area_dt = sea_ice_area_obs(cdr_dt)
# Theres another gap which should be nan in the arctic only
# obs_area_dt['cdr_nh'].to_dataset().loc[{'time':'1984-07'}]=np.nan

Calculate for model data, limit to southern hemisphere / Antarctica

def sea_ice_area_model_sh(ds):
    sic =, 0))
    area_km2 = ds.area_t / 1e6

    return sea_ice_area(sic, area_km2).to_dataset(name="si_area").load()
model_area_dt = sea_ice_area_model_sh(si_dt)

Sea Ice Concentration Anomalies

To examine the differences between the model results and observations, we calculate difference in each grid cell between observations and each experiment

As that data are on different grids, we need to regrid to compare the datasets

Lets simplify a little to only look at 0.25 degree results

groups = ("/025deg_era5", "/025deg_jra55")

The lat/lon of of each cell in the observational dataset are in a different file:

! wget -nc
File ‘’ already there; not retrieving.

cdr_sps_ds = xr.open_dataset("")

We can now build the re-gridder. This is described in detail in DocumentedExamples/Regridding

regridder_ACCESSOM2_025deg_sh = xesmf.Regridder(
    si_dt["025deg_era5"].ds.isel(time=0).drop_vars(["xt_ocean", "yt_ocean"]),
aice_sh_3976_ds = xr.Dataset()
aice_sh_anom_ds = xr.Dataset()

for iG in groups:
    aice_sh_3976_ds[iG] = regridder_ACCESSOM2_025deg_sh(
    aice_sh_anom_ds[iG] = aice_sh_3976_ds[iG] - cdr_dt["cdr_sh"].ds.cdr_conc

We can now plot the difference between modelled and observed sea ice concentration

months = [2, 9]  # february, september
month_names = ["Feb", "Sep"]
n_months = len(months)

plt.figure(figsize=(9, n_months * 3))

cdr = climatology(cdr_dt["cdr_sh"].ds.cdr_conc)

for j, iGroup in enumerate(aice_sh_anom_ds.data_vars):
    anoms = climatology(aice_sh_anom_ds[iGroup])
    aice = climatology(aice_sh_3976_ds[iGroup])

    for i, iMonth in enumerate(months):
            j + 1 + i * 3,

        # Filled contours with concentration anomalies in this month
        ds = anoms.sel(month=iMonth).compute()
            ds.x, ds.y, ds, levels=np.arange(-0.85, 0.86, 0.1), cmap=cmo.balance_r

        # Lines at 15% concentration (approx ice edge)
        cs_cdr = cdr.sel(month=iMonth).plot.contour(levels=[0.15])
        cs_mod = aice.sel(month=iMonth).plot.contour(levels=[0.15], colors=["black"])

        plt.title(month_names[i] + "_" + iGroup[1:])

# Messy legend creation
color_cdr = cs_cdr.collections[0].get_edgecolor()
line_cdr = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=color_cdr, label="Observed Extent")

color_mod = cs_mod.collections[0].get_edgecolor()
line_mod = mlines.Line2D([], [], color=color_mod, label="Modelled Extent")

plt.legend(handles=[line_cdr, line_mod], loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 0.5))

# And colorbar
cax = plt.axes([0.7, 0.6, 0.05, 0.2])
_ = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, label="Difference in \nSea Ice Concentration")
/g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 217.46 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.
/g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 217.46 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.
/g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 217.46 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.
/g/data/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-23.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/distributed/ UserWarning: Sending large graph of size 217.46 MiB.
This may cause some slowdown.
Consider scattering data ahead of time and using futures.

We see that OM2 under-represents sea ice in Summer, particularly in the Weddell Sea. In Winter, trends are less clear, although ERA5 forced sea ice concentration is too high at the northern boundary.

Sea Ice Volume

We can calculate volume in much the same way as area, except vicen is volume (per unit area) in each of 5 thickness classes, so we can sum this for the volume irrespective of thickness.

def sea_ice_vol_model_sh(ds):
    vice_m = ds.hi_m.sel(yt_ocean=slice(-90, 0))
    siv_total_da = (
        (vice_m * ds.area_t)
        .cf.sum(["longitude", "latitude"])

    return siv_total_da.to_dataset(name="si_vol").load()
si_vol_dt = sea_ice_vol_model_sh(si_dt)
def min_and_max(ds):
    def min_and_max_year(da):
        result = xr.Dataset()
        result["min"] = da.min()
        result["max"] = da.max()
        return result

    annual_min_max_ds = ds.si_vol.groupby("time.year").apply(min_and_max_year)
    return annual_min_max_ds

model_min_max_dt = min_and_max(si_vol_dt)
for iGroup in model_min_max_dt.groups[1:]:
    ds = model_min_max_dt[iGroup].ds

plt.title("Trends in Sea-Ice Minimum Volume")
plt.ylabel("Sea-Ice Volume ($m^3$)")

_ = plt.legend()
for iGroup in model_min_max_dt.groups[1:]:
    ds = model_min_max_dt[iGroup].ds.sel(
        year=slice(1950, 2022)
    )  # drop the last year because its incomplete

plt.title("Trends in Sea-Ice Maximum Volume")
plt.ylabel("Sea-Ice Volume ($m^3$)")

_ = plt.legend()
for iGroup in si_vol_dt.groups[1:]:

plt.title("Climatology of Sea-Ice Volume")
plt.ylabel("Sea-Ice Volume ($m^3$)")

_ = plt.legend()
[ ]: