Notebook Guidelines =================== For optimum presentation in the gallery, notebooks should follow a few simple rules: 1. The first cell must be a Markdown cell containing a level-1 title, beginning with ``#`` 2. Other headings within the notebook should be hierarchical. That is, sub-headings are level-2 (beginning with ``##``), then sub-sub-headings are level-3, and so on. Thumbnails ---------- By default, the chosen thumbnail is the last matplotlib figure in the notebook. There are two ways to override this, depending on whether you want the thumbnail to come from a different figure, or from a static image. To select a different figure, tag the cell with ``nbsphinx-thumbnail``. This is different depending on whether you use Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab: 1. **Jupyter Notebook**. You can enable the cell tag toolbar through *View -> Cell Toolbar -> Tags*, and use this to add the thumbnail tag. .. image:: _static/screenshots/tags_notebook.png :align: center 2. **JupyterLab**. Click the gear icon (|gear|) at the top-right corner of the page, or *View -> Show Right Sidebar*. From here, you can add cell tags. .. image:: _static/screenshots/tags_jupyterlab.png :align: center Otherwise, if you want a thumbnail from an external image, place it in the ``docs/_static/thumbnails`` directory, and add an entry to the ``nbsphinx_thumbnails`` directory in ``docs/``, following the format for the other entries already in there. .. |gear| image:: _static/gear.svg Images in notebooks ------------------- If including external images (i.e. not plots generated in the code) in notebooks, place them in the ``images/`` directory next to the notebook. Use the syntax ``![image caption](images/image.png)`` to include the image in the notebook.